For your eyes lonely.
This is the deal: I'm gonna write. About whatever. Maybe in nine months it'll gestate into some sort of being, but right now my mind's too cluttered to organize right at this minute. Let me throw some crap out and maybe we'll see what's actually in there.
So I realized, even though I just blogged all over your new shoes, that I didn't mention anything about Halloween...hallowed by they beloved to so many...especially my two readers. So here's a couple Halloween things...which actually has inspired me to start a new "regular section" of my blog. I'll call it "vicariously through you." and will be all about things you should bye, since I can't.
Maybe it will end up being a way for me to exercise my consumer demons...or else it'll just become a laundry list of the things I lust over.
So, introduction "vicariously through you."
1. I stole this from my friend Alli 'cause they rock my world and if I didn't just by the Adele tickets and wasn't going to Mexico, I'd be all over 'em.You can get them here. It's site called "Charles and Marie" and I want everything there. They cater to all walks of life, including those with an odd baby doll fetish like me.
2. This is an essential this fall and winter for every man. No, I don't have it and I probably won't get it...but I and you should have it. And make sure you get it in Heather Grey. That's what makes it essential and classic. Other twists, while wonderful and beautiful, will simply make it out of season next season. You can get it here. It's a little store called American Apparel. If you don't know what that is a) you live in a rural area (including major metro suburbs) b) you haven't ever bought a concert t-shirt and c) you'll have no idea what my Halloween costume is. BTdubbs, look for drunken posts of that later tonight here.
3. I had actually been describing this as "Two moose-like antlers put together as a sculpture" but apparently it's some sort of tree thing. Gee, good thing I'm a writer. Get it here. Don't be surprised when you click on the site and it's Target." I know, it's even pretty cool for them.
4. These kick ass serving trays are awesome...and completely trendy right now. The usage of fleur de lis type patterns blended with friendly woodsy creatures totally makes me hungry for some spicy walnuts or truffle infused air boxes. Get them here, which is this awesome little gift store in Madison, WI. And while I've never been to Madison and heard only good things, this place would surely be my real reason for going...if I ever do.
Okay, so there's four things I want right now...other than a raise and a stop to my hair's thinning. But a boy can dream, right? No? Oh, okay.
I have no excuses. Ever since the inspiration level of my workplace dived like a Russian Cold War nuclear sub, I've found it hard to write at all. Not that the words ever flowed so freely, but at least they flowed a little more frequently. I've had ideas since then..."Write a book in a Month starting Make a wooden Choreograph a dance to T.I.'s "Whatever you like."
And honestly I'm still not much inspired to write something now. But this is my blog, and you - my two dear readers who are surely automated signals from Taiwan - deserve to have something to fake read.
A lot has happened in the world since last June.
I got my replacement iPhone after accidentally waiting for six hours at the beginning of July. And it rocks. I think this should be the start of me starting my mobile upload shit. Gotta figure out how to do that again.
I am in this line somewhere. It's ridiculous...this is the game I was playing:
"I've been in line 3 hours...I'll be to the front soon." "It's been 4 hours. It has to move soon." "Five hours. Almost there." "Five hours fifteen minutes. If I leave, the line will start moving." "Crap...what do you mean because I have ATT bundled billing I won't be able to activate it. Fuck you." "Oh God, I accidentally just skipped work." "Oh God, I can see it from here." "Oh God, I can't wait to go home and turn it on." "Oh God, McDonalds." "Yes!"
And then there's the Dark Knight to come out shortly after...can you believe it? $992,267,331 gross total so far. And they're to re-release it come January for the Oscars (in hopes of some nominations.)
And music? I'd venture to say that a few discs came out that I managed to listen to over and over through the summer. Check these videos and the Albums they came off:
"From "In Ghost Colours" spelled with a u, 'cause they're from down under.
I was fortunate to see them at both Pitchfork and Metro (with the Presets, who rock my work, fyi.)
And then there's the lovely Adele, a slightly chunky chic from our friends across the Pond. If you don't have this CD yet, you're dumb. It's like Amy Winehouse, only not trashy, drunk or with hypodermic needles stuck in her arm.
from "19".
and finally:
from "Partie Traumatic".
I was lucky enough to see these guys, too, at Lollapalooza. And I'd say they were one of my favorites there.
Those three discs entertained me pretty much all summer, with some other added stuff tossed in here and there of course.
And while music is my general obsession most of the time, the election surely took over my passions for the past...err...four months. I'm pretty sure our economy took a turn for the worse in the last few months because instead of working, people were paying attention to the election.
I must say that Palin has been a game changer. By "game changer" I mean I went from initially thinking that McCain was a sneaky devil by picking her to a complete fucktard once I learned more about her. But God has a purpose for everything, and I do believe this was it:
But it couldn't have been all for fun right? Hopefully more than five of us read of McCain's spoiled upbringing and temper and Sarah's far-right-religious mindset as well as their scare-tactics of accusing Obama of being a terrorist or Socialist or unfit to be leader. Hopefully there's enough of us.
And soon, we're gonna find out.
Yes, it was an awesome summer. Yes, it felt like fall arrived in June and stayed until, well, fall. But it's time to move on.
And truly, this coming Tuesday will tell us, and the world, if we're going to (and not just because it's my friend Kelly's birthday.)
As for the next few months...I have a lil' trip to Mexico to look forward to the day after the election. Hopefully I'll want to return.
And then I'm hosting Thanksgiving. Hopefully it won't turn out a disaster.
And then there's the most wonderful time of the year. Hopefully this will be the best one yet.
Until my next entry...hopefully this week before I leave...
If I tell you I love you, will you vote Obama? Okay then. I love you.
For reasons both explained and unexplainable, I will say that this summer is shaping up to be damn good so far. First off, beyond Obama taking hits from every which way and deflecting them like a pro , the sun is shining with nice rainstorms in between and the giant science project that may or may not create a massive black whole and swallow earth won't be booted up until August. Until then, let's make it a good one. A big reason so far for such happiness is the folks at Pixar. Wall-E was yet another masterpiece from the guys in California and God Bless 'em. It's been a long time since my heart has been broken this much in a movie and WALL-E is certainly one of the most lovable Characters Disney has released since "Kitty" in Monster's inc. I'm sure you've seen the trailer, but in case you missed it, enjoy.
Some haven't been to convinced by the trailer, but I sware it's amazing. Easily one of Pixar's best (if not the best.) And you'd have to be totally dead inside to not enjoy it a bit. Even my boss, though a lover of all things Pixar wasn't initially impressed, went and saw it. He e-mailed me Friday night with this to say: Subject: Spoiler Alert Body: Wall-E possibly the best movie of all time. So there you are. While I'm not sure I can go that far (that's a pretty big statement) it is that amazing. Of course, stay tuned 'til July 16th when the Dark Knight finally gets its wide release. This may be one of the best summers for movies in a long time. On the music front, dance is enjoying a fine moment. A little over a week ago I was watching some TV and saw an ad for Bally's (gym.) It starred the Pussycat Dolls and the song that they sang was from their forthcoming album. It's called "When I grow up" and while I'm usually the last to endorse such pop-blasphemy, it's fucking catchy.
So I thought the battle had been lost - that we had received the best dance/pop song for the summer. Oh, I was wrong. Last tuesday I was listening to Virgin Radio UK online and came across a little song called "Dance Wiv Me" by Dizzee Rascal feat. Calvin Harris. Holy shit. This song is the shit. I, despite not being a total hip-hop fan immeadiately fell in love with the tune (though probably more thanks to Calivn Harris Future-Disco Funk backdrop.) It's not out in the states just yet, but hopefully you'll be hearing on the radio soon. Enjoy it. Love it. And shake your ass as much as possible to it.
For now, since I should probably try to do some work...I'm singing out. But may the best of pop culture be wiv you.
My apologies to the two automated search engines that "read" my blog looking for advertising opportunities, but it has been a very, very long time since I've thrown up all over the internet (aka blogged.)
Not a whole lot is new to report in my online world. Summer is very near (the repeated 50degree/65degree weather proves it) and so much of my time has been occupied with social outings and romantic endeavors.
Work has been uninteresting to say the least, which is interesting considering that we're going through much turmoil and layoffs should be happening any day (and surprisingly should've in the last few weeks.) What is to happen to my near and dear workplace. Who knows. I hope to last through it but alas Starbucks has really good benefits.
Movie season has begun, and I'm doing okay on keeping up. So far, I've seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall (***), Indian Jones (***) and Iron Man (****.5). What I'm really waiting for are The Dark Knight and Wall-E. All of them have been thoroughly entertaining and pretty damn fabulous, but it's only gonna get better. Go see 'em, I implore you.
On the music front, the last month has been filled with concerts and now that Festival Season is heating up, I'll be fully vested in my musical interests.
Early this morning, actually, I got this idea. I play no musical intruments. But could I pull a Paris Hilton and make myself totally buzz worthy before I even learn to play, thus cementing my place in rock'n'roll history? Not likely, but it's a nice thought. God I wish I had zero student loans so I could pursue music? Hell, I wish I would've known that my job at work would so often lead me to spacing off in music law law land.
Last night I went and saw Death Cab for Cutie at Millennium Park... good show, a bit cold. My highlight, surprisingly, wasn't the show but one of the security guards. After unsuccessfully seeking out a spot to smoke and being told that the entire Pavillion was non smoking, I surrendered my cravings. Until I saw everyone else on the lawn smoking of course. So I had a few. I think it was number two that, despite being in the middle of the lawn, was approached by a security guard. I thought he was going to ask me to put it out, but instead, all he said was "Your smoking is bothering the people behind you.' My response was "Okay" as I looked around to find the people behind, in front and to each side of me smoking.
I'm not quite sure he's in the right profession as he was the most passive-aggressive security guard I've ever had the pleasure of quareling (oh I'm sorry, discussing disagreements) with. But it was funny. I totally now want to write a skit about the Passive Aggressive Security Guard. But I won't.
However, if I do, I'll pass it on here to you.
Beyond that, discs to make sure you check out are: 1. Cut/Copy: In Ghost Colors 2. The Presets: Appocalypso 3. Walter Meego: Voyager 4. The Ting Tings: We Started Nothing 5. Midnight Juggernauts: Dystopia 6. South: You Are Here 7. The Last Shadow Puppets: The Age of Understatement 8. Bitter:Sweet: Drama 9. Death Cab for Cutie: Narrow Stairs 10. Aimee Mann: @#x%x*! Smilers
That should keep you happy for summer. Or at least until I have something else to offer, which I'm sure will happen.
I remember telling my boss back in, oh, early January that the music scene was changing. I thought (and feared) that the new wave movement was finished. The fun that had been struggling to really come forward in indie rock had given up. Or so I thought. Enter so much fun, good stuff. Yes, I still love chill rock. But dancing is in my heart - a way of expressing human emotion that for some reason comes so naturally. While I have a hard time putting everything else into words, the way my head bobs and my foot taps is as natural as breathing. Here's some videos that evoke just that. Yeah, not all. The others are just bands you should know. 1. The Helio Sequence - "Keep Your Eyes Ahead" What is it about Portland that such great music is continually pumped out? Yet another Sub-Pop Gem, it's true that they've been around a bit, though I think maybe their latest "Keep Your Eyes Ahead" is their first true coming. Apparently the result of less partying, more sleep, and a lot of focus, their sound evokes cozy winter evenings next to a fireplace. At least for me it does.
2. Black Kids - "I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend." What other than tanned, hung over bikini clad middle class chicks come from Jacksonville, Florida? Black kids apparently. Riding a strong wave of buzz without any album out, the black kids are like Block Party on anti-depressents playing in your neighbors treehouse. They're fun, ferocious, and totally ethnic. They'll be at Lollapalooza and I"m excited to see what kind of damage they do to the NIN's crowd's mind. I think they might confuse and puberty.
3. The Presets - "This Boys In Love" One of my favorite Aussie imports, this video/song easily showcase the darker side of the Presets. Okay, true, the Presets may not have a lighter side. But the ominous sound of "This Boys In Love" juxtaposed with the lyrics "This Boys In Love" speaks clearly to the terror that one feels in the heart as soon as you realize that you're smitten.
4. Cut Copy - "Lights & Music" Shocker - this bands been around for a while and I just now found them. Not because I'm so all knowing, but because of the fact that they're so my style and sound that I kind of am wondering if I was really living those last few years. Also on the Modular Label (ie the Presets, New Young Pony Club, Klaxons) these guys do some major damage to the new wave movement. Actually, I think they might be the band to truly herald it into the mainstream. The fact that my friend and I were at Urban Outfitters the other day and it caught his strick-rock dance threatening taste off guard says a lot.
5. Does it offend you, yeah? - "We are rock stars" You'll either love 'em, or they'll "grind on you" as they do my partner at work. Regardless, DIOYY are pretty damn catchy. Actually causing me to coin the phrase "convention rock" - meaning music that sounds like a lot of stuff you love, but that's why you love it - their sounds is stewage made of Klaxons, Beck, Madness and probably Hall & Oates. It's good. But the best part of their music is by far the production quality. Listen to it on loud in your headphones and notice every little detail that went into each sound. B for sound, A+++ for effort.
6. South - "Better Things" So this band isn't new, but you don't know them. My favorite indie Brits (which, if it's Indie in G.B. it's super indie here" continually produces original sounding rock music that infultrates your head when you least expect it. They are tailored, gentle, beautiful and soulful. Go and buy it. Now.
7. The Ting Tings - "That's not my name." Yup - Blondie kidnapped the White Stripes and forced plastic surgery and crack on them. The result? Something everyone should know. And others agree. Their latest single "Shut up and let me go" is on the current Apple iPod commercial, the download of the week, and suddenly everywhere. "That's not my name" was their first single in the UK and thus hasn't been released here. But it's good. And the only one of their video's that I can embed. Enjoy and then meet me at Lollapalooza to cheer 'em on.
8. Kylie Minogue - "Wow" So normally I wouldn't write anything about a pop artist. But as those closes to me know, I do have a weak spot for catchy pop shit. And it is shit. But it's good. Kylie comes back in full form on her latest "X". While America seemed to get her out of their head a good six years ago, the woman has gone through a lot and completely prospered because of it. If you want good, sexy, dance music pick it up. It was, afterall, nominated for 'Best International Album' at the Britts, so you know it's good. Fuckin' Grammy's could take a hint.
(Excerpt from CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton embraced the role of underdog and vowed not to quit as she and her rival in the Democratic presidential contest, Sen. Barack Obama, stumped across Pennsylvania on Tuesday.
Sen. Hillary Cinton said Tuesday in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that she won't drop out of the race.
Entering to the theme song from the "Rocky" movies, Clinton compared herself to Rocky Balboa, the boxing hero played by Sylvester Stallone, during an address to the AFL-CIO in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
"Sen. Obama says he's getting tired of the campaign. His supporters say they want it to end," she said.
"Could you imagine if Rocky Balboa had gotten halfway up those art museum stairs and said, 'Well, I guess that's about far enough'? That's not the way it works," Clinton said, referring to a famous scene in the first "Rocky" movie. Video Watch Clinton compare herself to Rocky »
"Let me tell you something. When it comes to finishing the fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit," she said.
Neither Clinton nor Obama will win the 2,024 delegates needed to capture the nomination outright, meaning the superdelegates probably will determine the Democratic nominee. Video Watch an analysis of the race »
Obama currently leads Clinton in delegates 1,625 to 1,486, according to CNN estimates. Obama also leads in the overall popular vote...
Good Hillary. Glad to know. But we all know how those movies ended up: trying to make a desperate come back 20 years later and a poor performance overall. Way to dream, Hil...
I felt blessed to actually have witnessed this hilariousness last Saturday Night (though it was sadly Saturday Night in LA and I was too tired to go out.) I thought it was damn funny. Then I walked into work yesterday only to find what seemed to be my entire office using each and every one of the catch-phrases over and over. I'm trying to hold back, but it's hard.
If you haven't heard of Pela before, it's not surprising. They're a very humble band hailing from Brooklyn (of course.) They've been around for only a blip on the music timeline and they're not extremely breakthrough. But that doesn't mean they're not awesome. They are damn good at what they do, and better than so many before them. While they sound closest to an American U2 to me than anything (due to heavy guitar riffs and lead singer Billy McCarthy's booming voice,) it's obvious that Bruce Springsteen would be a heavy influence and that Frank Black and co. probably have something to say about each tune. Not only do they seem like the hardest working band in America, but this Rock'n'Roll show (as told to us several times that night) is among the finest you'll see. Between new tunes (all excellent, sirs) and old, all you have to do is look around to notice the ladies swaying in true swooning fashion to the dudes yelling and bopping their head to know that there's something very special going on here. Yup...rock is in the air.
So Mr. Finn opened for Pela tonight and let me tell ya...I now understand why he was described as an "indie wunderkind." It's called looping, and he's damn good at it. Between fierce electric guitar to his "backup singer" yelling into the mike while banging the cowbell he sang. And recorded. And then played it back while he ran to his drumset to beat the hell out of that and make it sound phenomenal. Granted the routine became tired by sound 5, but you forgot that for the most part - because the songs were good, his backup singer was drunk, and they thought they were teaching us kiwi slang, like "low-down." Err, at least I think that's what they were saying.
regardless, you must also know that while I try to be creative and want to be creative, I don't radiate it as much as others do.
that's why people like Vincent Moon make me sick. he's my age, and doing something magical - at least in my opinion. he's created this thing called "take away shows" where amazing indie acts perform on the streets, in a bar, without announcing it to anyone. it's just one or two improvised songs. sometimes people know who they are, and sometimes they don't. and that's only half of it.
really, it's his style that is so compelling. without going so far as saying that they seem like home movies, he blends lo-fi recordings with french influences that make each video a magical treat. take this performance of "death could be at the door" by Eagle*Seagull. (if you don't know Eagle*Seagull, you should. they're a kick ass lil' band from my hometown of Lincoln, NE and are in the vein of Arcade Fire, to be so crude.)
there's nothing to it, but it's magical. it actually had the ability to make me fall love with the band for a second time.
you can watch the take aways shows on la blogoteque and learn more on the amazing Vincent Moon here.
and you can find it on iTunes as a podcast to subscribe to.
so I'm not a fan of football fan...and the fact that I know who the Manning Brothers are is practically a miracle straight from God. but I do work in advertising, so like the rest of America I watch the Superbowl. And while it's only moments after the Giants won the big game, can we just relive one of the only moments in sports that's ever had an effect on me...ever!?!
The moment when Eli Manning threw that winning calmly...calculated...was amazing. Even I leaped out of my chair, cheering for the Giants. I didn't even know I liked the Giants. Apparently I am converted.
But the best part (and i will post it as soon as it's up and I can find it) was when they immediately cut to Eli's big brother Payton leaping up...fist in the air...jubilant in his brother's success. Amazing. You knew at that moment he wasn't cheering for a football team...or a game...or a point. He was cheering for his little brother...who's victory probably brought him more happiness than his own Superbowl win last year. he was so proud of his brother...
I think I leaped out of my seat because i was simply following my heart at that sight.
so to answer your question Eli, no, the DSRL was not a big mistake.
freinds, it's been a while...and life's been kind of hectic so my apologies for not putting something up more recently, but there's something I want to share with you now. my friend Sarah sent it to me moments ago. no matter where you stand, watch it.
"This is a video for Barack Obama inspired by his speech on change and aspiration. It was produced independently without knowledge or support from the Obama campaign. It was made by of The Black Eyed Peas and stars Scarlett Johansson, Tatyana Ali, John Legend, Herbie Hancock, Kate Walsh, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Adam Rodriquez, Kelly Hu, Adam Rodriquez, Amber Valetta and Nick Cannon. I found it really inspirational and a great anthem for the campaign and the country.
'Yes We Can' Video for Barack Obama and Change
If you liked this video, please forward it on! There are a lot of undecided people out there and a lot of close races.
Behind the scenes of the video They didn't talk to anyone at the campaign or are part of the campaign, they were just inspired by the speech he made in New Hampshire. 'People came together because it's an inspirational song about change' Here's Obama's original speech(notice in the CNN split screen how slim his loss was in NH, he actually took more delegates) If you don't know anything about Obama here is where he stands on the issues and how he stands up to Clinton.
I obviously hope you vote for Barack Obama, but most importantly I just hope you VOTE on February 5th and November 4th! As we learned in 2000, every vote counts.
--Sarah P."
Hopefully you'll be as at least I am.
then why not give the video some meaning? that's exactly what Simian Mobile Disco has done. "what exactly do you mean Spain?" he asks. "why do you say they're not getting enough food." this video would disagree. awesome. disgusting. trashy. beautiful. and the song's pretty damn good too. yet another example of the nerds of the world being 1. awesome 2. insightful and 3. really funny. enjoy...just try not to indulge.
remember when you got that feeling...down there...and how you knew that something was...up. it's happened a few times before (i.e. the Strokes...then Franz Ferdinand...then Arcade Fire,) and as I manically go about searching for new music, new bands, etc. i've noticed that the horizon is changing...musically that is. and thank god emo is no where in site.
seriously, i'm not a religious man, but thank you Jesus! is this an upheaval in which our friends up north (O! Canada) are to be dethrowned because the Peasantry have added a dance beat and horizontal stripes? are the britts invading via neons and sirens? New Order ala Echo and the Bunnymen aka 24 Party People who are born slippy listening to Moby's Go? And is their big sister Debbie Harry who we never got over on prom night?
I'm apprehensive to jump on the band wagon so quickly and call it "Nu-Rave" (though I like this term very much) but I have to admit, the whole nu-new wave movement (which i've been enjoying from the get-go) is shifting directions. it's hard to explain, but i can sense it. the music i'm finding (and loving) suddenly has a different feel to it.
latel i hear something, and am constantly taken aback. my eyes widen and my head says " hearin' this?" there's something different.
it's like going to a different city and drinking their tap water...and liking it.
regardless, it's still indie. it's not on the radio, the kids in public school aren't listening to it, and the critics have yet to catch on. which is all fine by me. it means show tickets will remain inexpensive and within my grasp (fuck you ticketmaster.)
it's what the 80s had in mind, but the 90s achieved...without this decade calling Gen-X'ers sell outs. which they are.
it's all that, rolled into an organic-eco-friendly-whole-wheat tortilla. my friends...this causes a stirring in my loins. and i can't help myself but to take my hands and stick 'em down my pants...that's how happy this makes me.
identify what movie that's from and you'll win a prize. not really. just wanted to pass along some other videos i'm quite enjoying right now...err...have been for a while.
it's funny...just putting these up make me realize that i do miss MTV - you know, the one that played music videos (I have Cable, thank you very much.)
why didn't I want to become a film maker? i mean i do, but damn did my aspirations take me to a strange place...
until the next time i chose to not focus on the task at hand and find some cool videos...that was a favor.
i hear by make it my responsibility to post any cool music videos that pop up. you know, like your own blogging, that's too long...
just one purpose that i can give to my blog...see! there's one!
this one's outdated (you know, less than six months old). still, it's awesome. something that everybody should see.
one of my favorite things about my job is that i'm fortunately exposed to a lot of things before anybody else. and then there are the moments that somebody else will tell me about something and then i'll feel left out...stupid...shunned...unintellegent...whorish almost - simply because they told me instead of me telling them.
reglardless, I can't find anybody that had heard about this trend. but now you have. it's called lolcats.
so these are kind of of cats with sometimes funny lines in typeface impact in an odd language. but they're only kind of funny.
it is the entire bible translated into lolcat language...with lolcat illustrations, you make sure you get the whole picture.
my brother may have pulled my favorite excerpt so far...
1 The church of the Thessalonians, Ceiling Cat haz it. Paul and Silvanus and Timotheus sez to it: "Grace, you haz it. Peace you haz it. Ceiling Cat sez it."2 We luvs Ceiling Cat for Invisible Wants!!!3 We did remember you, and we did not forgetted it. Ceiling cat saw.4 Ceiling Cat won election! Hooray!5 Ceiling Cat not just speak, Invisible Cat speak too.6 And ye loveded Ceiling Cat, but Invisible Cat hurted you (in good wayz).7 Examples? U was it!8 Ceiling Cat? U did shout it. Now can stop plz.9 You did luvz Monorail Cat, but waz wrong. Ceiling Cat says O RLY? Now you do luvz Ceiling Cat.10 And we waiting for Ceiling Cat to make babies from the Ceiling. And he maded a son, but we broked it, but it got fixed. read did outlouds plz..thens uproarious and shouted it to ceiling cat.
i have a love/hate relationship with Kanye west. i love that he doesn't get the respect he think's he deserves...maybe because he's a dick. And I hate that he got credit for writing the best song of 2007 in Spin Magazine (there's a reason I don't subscribe anymore.) i only wish I could not love Daft Punk for working with him, but I can't...they're brilliant. but it's dumbfounding how many people don't realize that Kanye just fucking rapped over some empty spots of "Harder Better Faster Stronger" for his hit song "Stronger." Please...his song wasn't anything new. Discovery came out in 2001. it's practically classic rock/dance/synth/pop/house. anyway, I digress before even getting started. this, my friend, is a gift. who ever did this has a lot of extra time on their hands. And I'm glad (for once) that they do.
I love to write. I love to buy. I love to laugh, and talk. A total middle child, I love attention too. If you read this, you're appeasing all of my shit...'cause then you'll be helping me with all of this stuff too.