
i'm proud of yah, Eli.

so I'm not a fan of football fan...and the fact that I know who the Manning Brothers are is practically a miracle straight from God.
but I do work in advertising, so like the rest of America I watch the Superbowl.
And while it's only moments after the Giants won the big game, can we just relive one of the only moments in sports that's ever had an effect on me...ever!?!

The moment when Eli Manning threw that winning touchdown...so calmly...calculated...was amazing. Even I leaped out of my chair, cheering for the Giants. I didn't even know I liked the Giants. Apparently I am converted.

But the best part (and i will post it as soon as it's up and I can find it) was when they immediately cut to Eli's big brother Payton leaping up...fist in the air...jubilant in his brother's success. Amazing. You knew at that moment he wasn't cheering for a football team...or a game...or a point. He was cheering for his little brother...who's victory probably brought him more happiness than his own Superbowl win last year. he was so proud of his brother...

I think I leaped out of my seat because i was simply following my heart at that sight.

so to answer your question Eli, no, the DSRL was not a big mistake.

1 comment:

glitterrs said...

you have just become my enemy in more ways than one