
So, so behind. So, so sorry. No so, so music.

I remember telling my boss back in, oh, early January that the music scene was changing. I thought (and feared) that the new wave movement was finished. The fun that had been struggling to really come forward in indie rock had given up. Or so I thought. Enter so much fun, good stuff. Yes, I still love chill rock. But dancing is in my heart - a way of expressing human emotion that for some reason comes so naturally. While I have a hard time putting everything else into words, the way my head bobs and my foot taps is as natural as breathing. Here's some videos that evoke just that.
Yeah, not all. The others are just bands you should know.
1. The Helio Sequence - "Keep Your Eyes Ahead"
What is it about Portland that such great music is continually pumped out? Yet another Sub-Pop Gem, it's true that they've been around a bit, though I think maybe their latest "Keep Your Eyes Ahead" is their first true coming. Apparently the result of less partying, more sleep, and a lot of focus, their sound evokes cozy winter evenings next to a fireplace. At least for me it does.

2. Black Kids - "I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend."
What other than tanned, hung over bikini clad middle class chicks come from Jacksonville, Florida? Black kids apparently. Riding a strong wave of buzz without any album out, the black kids are like Block Party on anti-depressents playing in your neighbors treehouse. They're fun, ferocious, and totally ethnic. They'll be at Lollapalooza and I"m excited to see what kind of damage they do to the NIN's crowd's mind. I think they might confuse and stimulate...like puberty.

3. The Presets - "This Boys In Love"
One of my favorite Aussie imports, this video/song easily showcase the darker side of the Presets. Okay, true, the Presets may not have a lighter side. But the ominous sound of "This Boys In Love" juxtaposed with the lyrics "This Boys In Love" speaks clearly to the terror that one feels in the heart as soon as you realize that you're smitten.

4. Cut Copy - "Lights & Music"
Shocker - this bands been around for a while and I just now found them. Not because I'm so all knowing, but because of the fact that they're so my style and sound that I kind of am wondering if I was really living those last few years.
Also on the Modular Label (ie the Presets, New Young Pony Club, Klaxons) these guys do some major damage to the new wave movement. Actually, I think they might be the band to truly herald it into the mainstream. The fact that my friend and I were at Urban Outfitters the other day and it caught his strick-rock dance threatening taste off guard says a lot.

5. Does it offend you, yeah? - "We are rock stars"
You'll either love 'em, or they'll "grind on you" as they do my partner at work. Regardless, DIOYY are pretty damn catchy. Actually causing me to coin the phrase "convention rock" - meaning music that sounds like a lot of stuff you love, but that's why you love it - their sounds is stewage made of Klaxons, Beck, Madness and probably Hall & Oates. It's good. But the best part of their music is by far the production quality. Listen to it on loud in your headphones and notice every little detail that went into each sound. B for sound, A+++ for effort.

6. South - "Better Things"
So this band isn't new, but you don't know them. My favorite indie Brits (which, if it's Indie in G.B. it's super indie here" continually produces original sounding rock music that infultrates your head when you least expect it. They are tailored, gentle, beautiful and soulful. Go and buy it. Now.

7. The Ting Tings - "That's not my name."
Yup - Blondie kidnapped the White Stripes and forced plastic surgery and crack on them. The result? Something everyone should know. And others agree. Their latest single "Shut up and let me go" is on the current Apple iPod commercial, the download of the week, and suddenly everywhere. "That's not my name" was their first single in the UK and thus hasn't been released here. But it's good. And the only one of their video's that I can embed. Enjoy and then meet me at Lollapalooza to cheer 'em on.

8. Kylie Minogue - "Wow"
So normally I wouldn't write anything about a pop artist. But as those closes to me know, I do have a weak spot for catchy pop shit. And it is shit. But it's good. Kylie comes back in full form on her latest "X". While America seemed to get her out of their head a good six years ago, the woman has gone through a lot and completely prospered because of it. If you want good, sexy, dance music pick it up. It was, afterall, nominated for 'Best International Album' at the Britts, so you know it's good.
Fuckin' Grammy's could take a hint.

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