
so impressed (with myself)

wow. so what's almost as cool as being impressed with myself is the fact that the headline looks (sounds?) like some bad emo song title. ha.
you know, 'cause I'm so emo.
anyway, I like to think I"m a pretty modest person, but for now, I'm gonna brag. And here's why:
those who know me know that in the last year(ish) I've really gotten into running, etc.
well, tonight I decided to time my mile - just to see how fast I could run one.
the last time I tried a timed mile, I'm pretty sure it took me 12 or 13 minutes to run it (and I'm pretty sure that was in Junior High.)
tonight, I impressed (and shocked) myself with a 00:06:52 mile. WHAT? WTF? I had no idea. and I kept running afterward (though only to four miles instead of seven - i think i need new running shoes.)
so now, I"m pretty sure I'll keep trying to beat that time.
this could cement my obsession with the jog.
marathon next fall anyone?
keep your fingers crossed.

oh yeah, and then I came home to find out urban outfitters put my coat on clearance for half off. and another one that I wanted too. so i ordered both. bad, but hey, it's not like I'll be paying any more.

what a good day. i look forward to tomorrow, pretty much oblivious to the fact that it's a friday.

an el of a place for a phone conversation.

tonight on my way home from book club, I was talking to my friend Jenny. I sat down when I got in the train, looking straight forward, paying attention to no one but the person on the other line.
as i'm in mid sentence, Jenny says "Who is that person next to you? They are so loud!"
I glanced to my left to meet eyes with this young lady.

immediately, I bust out laughing. and with out revealing our topic of conversation, I said something like "I wish I had a picture."
she proceeded to do a whole "Oooo, is that one of them iPhones. Motherfuckers' do everything, don't they?" I smiled and nodded yes.
she responds "Yeah, I got two phones - that way they do everything too."
I just smiled.
she was actually nice, which made me feel even worse about snapping some photos of her without her knowing.
lets just say i'm not making fun of her.
okay, I am. but lets not call me shallow.


harvest 2007

You gotta love middle America.
If advertising doesn't work, shots of dead deer certainly will.
Apparently this is how to make a man to smile.
It definitely made me laugh.


yet another instance

The newscast from the previous post. You'd think we'd gone to war with Iowa.

in Nebraska, football is bigger than God

9:30 AM Saturday November 21st.

After another loss against Colorado, Bill Calahan, the head coach of the University of Nebraska, was fired.

In the car on the way to Omaha, I waas literally husted to silence by my mother as the announcment was made on the radio. In a state this small, this is a very big deal. Because despite what Nebraska's conservative Christian population (including my father) would say, there is no president; god is dead.

Long live coach Tom Osbourne - interim UNL Athletic director.

That's what they wanted all along anyway.



one reason I love my name.

I was seven when it came out.
Twelve when I noticed it.
Eighteen when it stirred something deep within my soul.
Today, U2's the Joshua Tree turns 20.
And at twenty-seven I can still say "the Joshua Tree" is one of U2's best, if not their best. And forever a favorite of mine.
One of the reasons: my favorite song of all time is on that CD. I feel the need to share it with you all. It's sad, and Bono's voice can nearly bring me to tears with each "I'm haning on...you're all that's left to hold on to."
I often feel I know what he means.
More exciting probably than anything else is that apparently 'Red Hill Mining Town' was to be the lead single off the Joshua Tree, but was scrapped. A video was filmed but never released (or at least I've never seen it.)
Now, it's included on the remastered version, and on YouTube under U2's official page.
I'm thinkin' Thanksgiving came early this year.


Band of Horses - at the Metro

Right now. Sent from my iPhone. Sweet, right?


My first bridge lift (testing, testing)

Check it out. I was kind of dumbfounded by its scale and how quiet it
was. I'm sending this from my mobile so hopefully it works.