

freinds, it's been a while...and life's been kind of hectic so my apologies for not putting something up more recently, but there's something I want to share with you now.
my friend Sarah sent it to me moments ago. no matter where you stand, watch it.

"This is a video for Barack Obama inspired by his speech on change and aspiration. It was produced independently without knowledge or support from the Obama campaign. It was made by will.i.am of The Black Eyed Peas and stars Scarlett Johansson, Tatyana Ali, John Legend, Herbie Hancock, Kate Walsh, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Adam Rodriquez, Kelly Hu, Adam Rodriquez, Amber Valetta and Nick Cannon. I found it really inspirational and a great anthem for the campaign and the country.

'Yes We Can' Video for Barack Obama and Change

If you liked this video, please forward it on! There are a lot of undecided people out there and a lot of
close races.

Behind the scenes of the video
They didn't talk to anyone at the campaign or are part of the campaign, they were just inspired by the speech he made in New Hampshire. 'People came together because it's an inspirational song about change'
Here's Obama's original speech (notice in the CNN split screen how slim his loss was in NH, he actually took more delegates)
If you don't know anything about Obama here is where he stands on the issues and how he stands up to Clinton.

I obviously hope you vote for Barack Obama, but most importantly I just hope you VOTE on February 5th and November 4th! As we learned in 2000, every vote counts.

--Sarah P."

Hopefully you'll be as inspired...to at least vote...as I am.

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