
brought to my attention...

that I posted "Gimme More" as the song of the day Tuesday, September 27th, 2007.

I received a comment from a reader that stated "Seriously? Joshua." in a scolding matter. Which completely reminded me that I forgot to post something last night (too consumed with my new pants, Gossip Girl, and buffalo chicken stips) - (okay, this officially just became the gayest post ever.)

So consider this morning's post last nights.

First off, it was a song of the day. Yes, it's not that I'm going to retract that thought, because it was OF THE DAY. I'm already sick of it and think that America probably is too. Actually, no. My intelligence is far superior to the average American. While I can admit to what is a catchy toon (while other's, too caught up in their "I'm too indie for my shirt" can not) I can also admit when it's time is passed. Gimme More officially passed at 9:05am Wednesday, September 26th. R.I.P.

Yesterday's song of the day was actually an album: Under the Blacklight by Rilo Kiley. While I heard the disc a couple of times in early September and has dismissed it as "an interesting album with four really good songs" I've since changed my opinion and kind of can't stop listening to it. Even it's weirdest intricasies that I initially found to be, well, weird have grown on my and I regret my decision to not go see them in London or here. Boo.

Who know's what today's song of the day will be. Or if tonigt's post will be half as gay as the first half off this.

Wish me luck, as I hope it is not.

Dammit Readers, initially I thought you mean "Give me more of your blog. I love it!" but no such luck.

Like I said, it's a blog about nothing. Give it a few month and maybe you'll care. Bitch.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I accept your explanation ONLY because you mentioned Rilo Kiley's new album. and I've been slightly obsessed with them for the past nine months.

I love that i'm a mere "reader," so myseterious. :P