
tv keeps me from masturbating.

Can you smell that? It's premier week. Whether it be a nasty fart or a beautiful rose has yet to be determined. But there's potential there, you gotta admit.

You don't have to know me too well to know you that I'm a total TV junkie. It's too the point that three weeks ago, I quit smoking. To justify my saving of funds, I got cable. The angels sang and my DVR's been filling up quickly ever since.

To my joy, I discovered that the On-Demand for all the premium channels worked.
That weekend (other than working) I did some catching up. Entourage (vague yay), Weeds Season 3 (Thunderous Roar) and watched the first few episodes of Tell Me You Love Me (WTF?) At first I enjoyed the real actors playing porn stars, but by episode 3, I was bored. Super.

Last Wednesday I watched Gossip Girl. i was a big fan of the O.C. and to a certain extent am still in mourning from it's passing last season. But maybe Josh Schwartz has put a butt-plug in that hole with this one. Basically, it's Cruel Intentions the TV show. I'll leave it at that. But will it be as funny as the O.C.? I doubt it. Will "best week ever" have a new O.C.? One episode in and they're already having a hay day.

Then this weekend happened, and I discovered what will probably be my new obsession for the year. Say hello to Mad Men. The story of a New York City advertising agency in 1960.

My God have we come far.

I'm well aware that this isn't real - though they do a fabulous job of bringing 1960 back to life - the beginning of public health vs. cigarette companies, the advent of creative advertising, the cultural melee we call feminism.

I know I work at an ad agency, but now that I think about, I don't think there is a better place to have social commentary on the times play out. It reflects American culture (both in and outside the advertising) and hit puberty at the exact same time America did.

The ship is ran by a bunch of sailors in suits, woman who got birth control were obviously whores, and the best way to sell something with with a big fat star burst and price. Puke.

The sad thing is that it's still there. Not in full force, though I suspect there's plenty of people who yearn for the good ol' days - even if they weren't there. Between the sexism, the battle between creative advertising and non, and secret affairs, it's all there. But it is fascinating. If you're not obsessed with it already, get goin' and join me. Thankfully, it's already been renewed for a second season.

Then tonight, there was the big premier of Heroes. Almost done with it, but pretty good. There, as always, is plenty that I can't figure out. But did anyone else notice that one of the spanish woman in the scene in the jungle with the military truck looks like Mary Kate and/or Ashley Olsen? Strange.

P.S. The girl that plays Claire Bennet (imdb: Hayden Panettiere) is apparently some sort of Hollywood Bad Girl. I hope Perez Hilton was being sarcastic. Anyway, it's good in true Heroes fashion.

Moving on. And then Prison Break (now on episode 2) - alright, so is this season all back in the Prison again? SOMA's pretty vicious, but I don't know...I think they're smarter than that. They always are. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't lose it's momentum - 'cause season 2 was awesome.

And then there was this guy.

Chuck. Perhaps the hit of the season? I loved it, but don't know if I can go that far. But it's funny, charming, and I have this feeling (no, not down there) that it'll be pretty action packed. The great thing that because it's funny, it has all the potential of doing an Alias on your ass, but also a little Hot Fuzz, etc. I don't think it'll reinvent the spy genre, but it'll certainly be a fresh twist.

Oh yeah, and Josh Scwartze (O.C./Gossip Girl) created this one too. Man's been busy. But it keeps me happy. The funny thing about Chuck is that it's like Seth Cohen (Adam Brody on the O.C.) grows up and gets a job as a computer geek only to have his college roommate send him an e-mail that mysteriously downloads all the U.S. governments big secrets into his head - like where they're going to blow up that Politician?

No, seriously...it's good.

Tomorrow, I'll blog about focus groups, lackadaisical interactive guys, and Reaper. Hopefully not all three will piss me off.

Today's Song of the Day: "Icarus" by the Hours from the album Narcissus Road.

Yeah, I bit you live there. Asshole.

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