
petition for the de-commercialization of focus groups.

Tuesday night and i have a blister on my left thumb from the Pop tart that just attacked me. Chocolate cravings attack, and lately there's no fighting back. I'm pretty sure it's due to the lack of cigarettes...that's just about it - though I think it's calming down.

Oh, what a day. Despite my hopes and dreams, my blood work came back and I am not an alcoholic. So one more month of non-binge drinking for us all. I say "us all" because well, if I'm not drinking, you aren't either. Damn, that's one good open bar come Saturday put to waste.
So today was alright. Nothing too drastic. Got some work done, watched the best week ever, found a pair of jeans on sale for $12. It really wasn't anything too major.

BUT that doesn't mean anything didn't happen yesterday - beyond TV that is.
What I'm bitching about tonight is focus groups. Evil, evil focus groups. Once again, I had some work die at the merciless 45 something "professionals" of America. Excuse me Mrs. Suburban Overweight Unimaginative? What's wrong?Can't relate to
anywhere but your couch or your office which surely consists of a vending machine, half drank diet pepsi and constant judgments on those who pass by? Too fucking bad.

If this is the state of America, we're fucked. You'd think we've made great ground since 1960 (see: Mad Men) but maybe we haven't. I know women are so, so far from being as stupid as these bitches that 1. Try to make a living off of being focus group professions, 2. Say only what they think the client wants to hear (whom the client then takes as truth and agrees that it is indeed what they want to hear,) 3. Try to "help" by giving ideas about as creative as a seaside portrait on clearance at a starving artists sale at the Motel 8 and 4. Take this as the most important time for them to really say what's on their mind since they probably go home to husbands that don't want to hear that crap. Sad. Really Sad.

The question being: am I cursed? Will I ever have any work produced, or will I be fired from my job b/c I'm not doing much for 'em (in terms of production value?) Time will tell. I hope not. I don't think so. I have to keep the faith. Eventually, something kick ass is gonna happen. It's gotta.

Oh, and Reaper was pretty freakin' good. Funny. Really, really curious as to what they'll be doing with the season.

I love tv. but you knew that then didn't you.
I wonder if they do focus groups for TV shows. Probably not the good ones. The ones that get cancelled. Where are the americans that appreciate good things - like good tv spots? i don't know if they live all out east, or what. but if you're one, please let me know.

alright, that's all for the night. keep the faith, losers. otherwise life is cursed after all.

song of the day: "Gimme More" by Britney Spears. I'm not saying she's a good mother, or talented, or as hot as she used to be, but this song: catchy. I'm sure it's one verse (something about flashing cameras and gimme something - I think more) will storm the charts for a while and be thumpin in the clubs till at least thanksgiving. and no, I'm not being sarcastic.

Tomorrow: abusive drugs and their friend's habits. I'll be talking in code about my friend that reminded me that he got my post card where I wrote to him about the teenage lesbian folk club at an airport overseas. they were crying. it was funny.


Kelly said...

Gimme More? SERIOUISLY? Joshua.

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