
Nice, Clintonian: "Rocky and I aren't quitters."

Coincidentally, both are men.

(Excerpt from CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton embraced the role of underdog and vowed not to quit as she and her rival in the Democratic presidential contest, Sen. Barack Obama, stumped across Pennsylvania on Tuesday.

Sen. Hillary Cinton said Tuesday in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that she won't drop out of the race.

Entering to the theme song from the "Rocky" movies, Clinton compared herself to Rocky Balboa, the boxing hero played by Sylvester Stallone, during an address to the AFL-CIO in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

"Sen. Obama says he's getting tired of the campaign. His supporters say they want it to end," she said.

"Could you imagine if Rocky Balboa had gotten halfway up those art museum stairs and said, 'Well, I guess that's about far enough'? That's not the way it works," Clinton said, referring to a famous scene in the first "Rocky" movie. Video Watch Clinton compare herself to Rocky »

"Let me tell you something. When it comes to finishing the fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit," she said.

Neither Clinton nor Obama will win the 2,024 delegates needed to capture the nomination outright, meaning the superdelegates probably will determine the Democratic nominee. Video Watch an analysis of the race »

Obama currently leads Clinton in delegates 1,625 to 1,486, according to CNN estimates. Obama also leads in the overall popular vote...

Good Hillary. Glad to know.
But we all know how those movies ended up: trying to make a desperate come back 20 years later and a poor performance overall.
Way to dream, Hil...

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