
late night duel-action cleanse, anyone?

while i intended on going to bed at 11pm, damn facebook/myspace stole my attention and we're now fast approaching half-past midnight.
the point being that the tv caught my attention when some devilish man started (and I'm kind of appauled but amused) talking about parasites in your colon, his children's bowel movements, fecal matter in stored fat, and "internal cleansing's link to anti-aging and a flatter abdomen."
so this is the shit (no pun intended, literally) that they run after everybody's going to bed from a long weekend of eating and drinking. so of course they need to detoxify their system.
it's an infomercial about pooping!
this has to be in the book of Revelations.
i'm sure these dudes sold their souls to Satan.

song of the day (i gotta remember to do this with each post, dammit): back in your head (pretty violent Michael Skype remix) - Tegan and Sarah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo, your idea is useful