
so impressed (with myself)

wow. so what's almost as cool as being impressed with myself is the fact that the headline looks (sounds?) like some bad emo song title. ha.
you know, 'cause I'm so emo.
anyway, I like to think I"m a pretty modest person, but for now, I'm gonna brag. And here's why:
those who know me know that in the last year(ish) I've really gotten into running, etc.
well, tonight I decided to time my mile - just to see how fast I could run one.
the last time I tried a timed mile, I'm pretty sure it took me 12 or 13 minutes to run it (and I'm pretty sure that was in Junior High.)
tonight, I impressed (and shocked) myself with a 00:06:52 mile. WHAT? WTF? I had no idea. and I kept running afterward (though only to four miles instead of seven - i think i need new running shoes.)
so now, I"m pretty sure I'll keep trying to beat that time.
this could cement my obsession with the jog.
marathon next fall anyone?
keep your fingers crossed.

oh yeah, and then I came home to find out urban outfitters put my coat on clearance for half off. and another one that I wanted too. so i ordered both. bad, but hey, it's not like I'll be paying any more.

what a good day. i look forward to tomorrow, pretty much oblivious to the fact that it's a friday.

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