
one reason I love my name.

I was seven when it came out.
Twelve when I noticed it.
Eighteen when it stirred something deep within my soul.
Today, U2's the Joshua Tree turns 20.
And at twenty-seven I can still say "the Joshua Tree" is one of U2's best, if not their best. And forever a favorite of mine.
One of the reasons: my favorite song of all time is on that CD. I feel the need to share it with you all. It's sad, and Bono's voice can nearly bring me to tears with each "I'm haning on...you're all that's left to hold on to."
I often feel I know what he means.
More exciting probably than anything else is that apparently 'Red Hill Mining Town' was to be the lead single off the Joshua Tree, but was scrapped. A video was filmed but never released (or at least I've never seen it.)
Now, it's included on the remastered version, and on YouTube under U2's official page.
I'm thinkin' Thanksgiving came early this year.

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