
my cock is more scarey than your face

ahh, halloween. the only time of year when you can be mistaken for a retard and not be completely insulted by it (if not complimented instead). myself? i'm a firm believer that looking completely like a fucktard is what we should all strive for on days like these. and with the exchange rate of the dollar vs. pretty much the rest of the world being totally fucked up, you really have to work hard to get your dollar to go far. my recomendation: intead of opting for the adult clichés, go for the childrens' instead and really stretch your dollar. i managed to fit into this jolly green giant costume (childrens large) and not only did I terrify the woman unfortunate enough to have her head at croch level with my junk on the bus, but I also was mistaken for peter pan, puck of "mid summer nights dream" fame, and the statue of liberty. it doesn't get much better than that.


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